Contracting Authority: European Commission
Lead Applicant: Pomoc deci (Children and Youth Support Organisation)

Implementing organization for Albania: Woman to Woman
Call for Proposals Reference
: EuropeAid/179703/DH/ACT/Multi – Lot no. 3
Proposal Number: IPA III/2023/179703-3/6

The AGREE! project aims to empower girls and young women in the Western Balkans and Turkey through gender equality and the prevention of peer gender-based violence (GBV). It focuses on creating a Regional Network of CSOs, strengthening national networks, and building the capacities of local organizations to advocate for gender equality and prevent violence against girls.

Through activities such as training, peer education, and mentoring, the project will achieve:

  1. Prevention of Peer GBV: Educating youth and parents to address gender stereotypes and promote healthy relationships.
  2. Girls’ Empowerment: Social and financial entrepreneurship training for youth, particularly girls from marginalized groups.
  3. Capacity Building for CSOs: Enhancing organizational management, transparency, and skills for advocacy and fundraising.

Key components of the project include:

  • Regional and National Training to develop peer trainers.
  • National and Regional Networks to advocate for girls’ rights and gender equality.
  • Small Grants to local CSOs to implement gender equality and GBV prevention projects.

Key Beneficiaries:

  • 7,000 teenagers and young people (aged 13-29), 700 parents, and 100 local and national CSOs across the region.
    The project aligns with the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025 priorities and strengthens the EU integration process for the Western Balkans and Turkey.