Call for Production Studio

Background information
IAMANEH, in consortium with Swiss TPH and two Albanian partners, the organization Counseling Line for women and girls in Tirana and Woman to Woman in Shkodra are implementing the project “Building a sustainable response to gender-based violence during COVID-19 in Albania” 2021 – 2024, funded by the United Nations Trust Fund. The overall purpose of the proposed intervention is to enable women and girls in marginalized communities, at increased risk of Gender-Based Violence due to the impact of COVID-19, to exercise their rights and improve their physical and social well-being.

Purpose of the Service
For this reason, the organization Counseling Line for women and girls in Tirana and Woman to Woman in Shkodra, are seeking a company for a video realization based on their activities of the project, with the aim of raising awareness of Gender-Based-Violence of the health professionals, in their daily work, for both municipalities of Shkodra and Tirana, for the marginalized communities. This video will reflect on the work done in the implementation of this project and at the same time address human rights issues under the project intervention plan.