The emergency shelter for women, girls, and children who have experienced violence is the only reception center in northern Albania. Opened in September 2015 as part of the “Woman to Woman” organization, supported by the Municipality of Shkodër, IAMANEH, and the Austrian Development Cooperation, this center is one of the most important social services in northern Albania. It provides 48 hours of safe and reliable shelter for women, girls, and children who are victims of abuse and are forced to leave their homes due to violent situations.
The emergency shelter offers:
- Emergency housing
- Food and care
- Individual counseling and group therapy for abuse victims
- Legal assistance
- Rescue plans
- Case management and referrals
The center for victims of domestic violence and its services are in compliance with the Council of Ministers Decision No. 505, dated 13.07.2011, on “Standards for Social Care Services for Victims of Domestic Violence in Public and Non-Public Residential Centers.” The shelter is a safe space for women, girls, and children who are victims of domestic violence, monitored 24/7 with a camera system. It has a capacity of five beds.
In addition to its primary functions, this emergency center effectively serves to immediately break the cycle of extreme violence, working in partnership with local authorities and all responsible institutions for implementing domestic violence laws as part of the referral system. The emergency center in Shkodër is part of the network of residential centers for victims of domestic violence in Albania.