Supporting Gender Equality, Women’s Rights, and Economic Empowerment of Rural Women in Northern Albania

Duration: 24 months (01/09/2024 – 31/08/2026)
Location: Shkodra and Lezhe regions (Fushe Arrez, Kurbin, Lezhe, Malesi e Madhe, Mirditë, Puka, Shkodra, and Vau i Dejes)
Implementing Partners: CIES (lead partner), COSPE, Gruaja tek Gruaja, Hapa te Lehte

This project aims to enhance the recognition of the economic and social role of rural women in Northern Albania by improving their access to information on their rights and available resources (land, material, and financial) and strengthening their economic and social empowerment sustainably.

Key Objectives:

  1. Inclusion of women in local policies and strengthening gender mainstreaming in local institutions through:
    • Participatory gender analysis to prioritize territorial interventions.
    • Technical assistance to municipalities for adopting gender equality policies.
    • Community engagement with women’s groups to promote awareness of their rights.
  2. Improving access to legislation and resources on land ownership, inheritance, and credit through:
    • Awareness campaigns on women’s rights.
    • Legal assistance for full exercise of property and financial rights.
    • Psychosocial support to raise gender awareness.
  3. Empowering rural women’s entrepreneurship by increasing access to financial resources and supporting:
    • Vocational training for rural women and girls.
    • Economic initiatives led by women in rural areas.

The project targets over 2,600 women in the designated areas.

Partnership: The initiative is implemented by the Italian NGOs CIES and COSPE, in collaboration with the local NGOs Gruaja tek Gruaja and Hapat e Lehte, all with more than 20 years of experience in addressing gender issues in both urban and rural contexts.